3 Tips to Stay Sane on the Sidelines this Summer

By WISe Wellness Guild

Our theme for July is Wellness Travel and we are thrilled to introduce you this month to lots of ways you can stay healthy as you embark on your travel adventures! When I was reflecting on how I could contribute to this topic, I initially thought I couldn’t offer much. As a mom to three kids, I rarely travel anywhere exciting.  I’m not going to be able to offer advice on the best place to stay in Bali, or the best yoga retreats in Hawaii, but you know where I do travel to all the time? Sports fields. Gyms. Tournaments. I shuttle from softball fields to soccer fields to field hockey fields all weekend long. Yes, a sports mom's life is real and you know what? We pack and plan for these trips just as much as anyone else! So I would like to offer my top 3 tips on how you can stay sane and healthy on the sidelines this summer.

  1. You can’t forget to eat.

Yes, this might seem very obvious. But when you’re planning for a day on the soccer field, how much time do you spend planning for your own meals? When I prepare for a day of sports, I often have everything ready for the kids. Kids are packed with lunches and snacks for the day yet I rarely think through how I am going to eat. Have I eaten a half eaten granola bar off the floor of my minivan while busy on a sports Saturday? Of course… but I have learned that is really not the way to go. We are inundated on social media with creative lunch ideas for kiddos but I think we need to focus more on how us parents are going to consume calories while driving around the entire day! A few years ago, I started making quinoa bowls and that made all of the difference for me.  Quinoa is healthy, quick to make, can be prepared ahead of time and fills you up. Now to add toppings and flavor my favorite place to go to is Trader Joes. Trader Joes sells premade chicken strips that are the perfect protein to add to the bowl! I normally grab that along with some cheese, beans, shredded carrots, and a vinaigrette and voila… I have a healthy bowl that I can eat cold, hot or lukewarm at any point in the day.  Kroger.com also has loads of quinoa bowl recipes and another one of my favorite recipes is their Mexican Quinoa salad recipe you can check out here!  

  1. Sideline Swag

I learned early on that a good day on the sidelines, you really do need to have the right gear and be prepared to protect yourself on those sunny days! My favorite piece of swag on the sidelines is called the Sports Brella from Amazon.  You can attach this to any chair to give yourself the shade you need during those hot and sunny games! You can even clip this to a fence or railing if you are sitting in stadium seating.  I have used this on countless occasions and am so thankful for the shade it provides!

  1. Allow Yourself time to Decompress

I realize this third piece of advice is not always easy.  But at the end of a long and hot day on the sidelines, you do need a moment to give yourself time to reset as a parent.  You have just supported your child on the sidelines, made sure all the uniforms were ready, tuned out those angry parents yelling next to you, entertained your other kids on the sidelines, prepped a million water bottles… It's a LOT.  When you are planning your weekend, I recommend adding buffers after your games and before your next activity.  If the only time you have is the travel time in your car then think of music you can play to add calm to your day.  I also believe in the power of affirmations that you can do anywhere! I love following advice columnist ask_ashlee on Instagram for affirmation inspiration! When I pull into my garage, I have a giant neon sign that says “You Got This” and I thank myself every day for it. 

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