Career + Mental Health

Mental Health Kristy Beagle Mental Health Kristy Beagle

World Mental Health Day: Let's Talk About It + WISe Resources

World Mental Health Day was established on October 10,1992 by the World Federation for Mental Health. It is observed each year to provide an opportunity for those working on mental health issues to talk about their work and what more needs to be done to make sure people have access to mental health care. WISe strongly believes in the importance of mental health and is one of our eight pillars of health. Below are WISe vetted resources for you to checkout. Find more on our website here.

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Mental Health Emily Betz Mental Health Emily Betz

3 Tips to Stay Sane on the Sidelines this Summer

The Enneagram found me at the time in my life when I needed it most. I was living with eating disorders, anxiety, and depression, along with severe gut health issues and other related physical symptoms. I had recently started a new job where I felt so out of place, like my introversion was so misunderstood and was impacting my working relationships and how my work was perceived. And my husband and I had just lived through a 10 month home renovation. I needed help.

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Career + Mental Health Emily Betz Career + Mental Health Emily Betz

Thawing the Freeze: 3 Somatic Reflections for Easing into Spring

As I have deepened in my somatic training and embodiment of the work, it now seems obvious that alongside that I would also deepen in my connection to nature. To the earth, the body we all belong to. I have learned so much by observing nature, her seasons, the constant change and the ultimate acceptance of and surrender to what is. Presence with the cycles of life has been a great teacher as I reflect on what it is to be human.

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