Michael Millay: Rooted Creative

Michael Millay is the CEO and Creative Director for Rooted Creative Agency, a full-scale creative agency in Cincinnati, Ohio. Before Rooted Creative, Millay was a professional soccer player for FC Cincinnati in their inaugural season, and graduated from the University of Cincinnati.

Millay is focused on supporting those around him, building a stronger community along the way.  In addition to Rooted, he is the co-founder of Race Street Athletics, a health and wellness brand that offers free community workouts and competitive fitness competitions around Cincinnati, and is a partner at Pata Roja Taqueria.  

An ongoing goal of Michael’s is to empower and equip brands and leaders to achieve more, through creative marketing experiences.

Rooted Creative is a full-scale Cincinnati creative agency. They are a full-service media house, creative ad agency and experiential marketing company bundled into one package. All the bells. All the whistles. None of the fluff.


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