The Well 52: Brian Barney
Dr. Brian Barney
Physical Therapist
Tell us a little bit about yourself...
I'm Brian Barney and I'm a husband, father, physical therapist, and running coach. I really enjoy partnering with clients and athletes to guide them towards accomplishing their goals.
What is the most important thing you do for your wellness?
The most important thing I do for my wellness is running. Running not only helps me maintain my cardiovascular health, but is also a healthy way to relieve stress.
What is one piece of advice you'd give to others?
Embrace your limitations—there's so much in life that we can't control, take good care of that which you can control.
What is one quote/ mantra you live by?
“Start Where You Are. Use What You Have. Do What You Can.” - Arthur Ashe
Brag on yourself- what is something you are REALLY proud of?
I'm coming up on my 4 year anniversary since having open heart surgery for a congenital heart abnormality, and I recently set a post-surgery personal best for the 5K!
For more information about Brian or to book an appointment visit-
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