Renewing Ourselves

By WISe Wellness Guild

Add these small but mighty objectives to your to-do list to keep you running on auto-renewal.

Renewal (n)


Definition: The replacing or repair of something that is worn out, run-down, or broken.

What can’t you renew these days? With just the click of a couple buttons via your phone, you can renew your apartment lease, subscription to Netflix, your favorite online newspaper. You can even renew your subscription to weekly meals, delivered right to your doorstep with step-by-step instructions on how to make dinner. 

We’ve gotten so used to subscriptions that we can even press a button called “auto-renewal” and then never have to click the buttons again. The undies, wine, books, clothes, will just keep coming until we say no more.

[Including us at WISe. But this is besides the point 🤪].

We haven’t yet figured out how to click a couple of buttons to renew ourselves. But what we have figured out at WISe (with the help of several partners), is how to continually renew our souls, minds & hearts with habits.

If you are feeling worn-out, run-down, tired, or even curious, March is the perfect time to begin your self-renewal story. But let’s be clear: it’s not crunch-time renewal or "renew yourself in an hour for the year." Fair warning, these are objectives & habits to keep you running on auto-renewal without cutting corners. You’ll have to do the work to get the reward.

Objective 1 – Be grateful

According to Rachel DesRochers, founder of Incubator Kitchen Collective and Grateful Grahams, we need to choose one consistent moment in the day and say, out loud, at least one thing we are grateful for. This healthy habit forces us to acknowledge at least one positive moment during the day and is a good reminder that there are always positive moments, no matter how gray the sky might feel.

She says, “The power of this habit comes from a multiplier effect that takes hold after practicing it for a month or two. You will realize that every day holds the opportunity for good. You will also begin to realize how insignificant monetary things are for your day-to-day happiness by acknowledging feelings, people and moments.”

Book a Head to Heart mentorship session with Rachel DesRochers here.

Objective 2 – Scroll less, turn more

Does anyone else dread the Sunday push notification that lets you know your screen time usage that week? It’s sometimes too embarrassing to admit and therefore the notification goes unread. 

Being on our phone too much, endlessly scrolling through TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, Zillow - you name it - has gravely shortened our attention spans. Remember books? Yeah, they are still a thing and they are still really good for you. 

Getting lost in a good read can make it easier for you to relate to others. Literary fiction, specifically, has the power to help its readers understand what others are thinking by reading other people’s emotions. And not to mention, the feel of physical paper pages under your fingertips provides your brain with context, leading to a deeper understanding and better comprehension of the subject you’re reading about.

Get off TikTok and head to the public library.

Objective 3 – Process Safely

When something happens in your life, big or small, good or bad, how do you process the event? Do you tell your partner, your best friend, your dog? 

Processing an event, a feeling, a chapter, you name it, should be done in a safe space. 

Find a friend, therapist or safe community that you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings with. Saying them out loud is a part of processing your emotions, but should not be shared with someone you fear will judge you or possibly tell others. 

Galia Collaborative empowers purpose-driven women with modern mental health care. Through mental health services, coaching, and organizational initiatives, they elevate the impact of women by developing their mental strength. Learn more here.

In addition, naming your feelings will help you understand them better. 

Here are a few that are more specific than, “sad, happy, tired, angry, whatever.”

  • Amusement

  • Anxious

  • Awe

  • Awkwardness

  • Boredom

  • Calmness

  • Confusion

  • Craving

  • Disgust

  • Empathic pain

  • Entrancement

  • Excitement

  • Fear

  • Horror

  • Interest

  • Joy

  • Nostalgia

  • Relief

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"Renew" photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels


The Well 52: Amy Scalia


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