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The Well 52: Dr. Sarah Crawford, Founder & CEO of Anchor Wellness Center

The Well 52: Dr. Sarah Crawford, Founder & CEO of Anchor Wellness Center

Welcome to The Well 52, a platform we are hosting at WISe Wellness Guild that celebrates women leading in the whole-self wellness industry and supporting other women along the way.
Meet our nominee of The Well 52: Dr. Sarah Crawford
Dr. Sarah Crawford headshot
Dr. Sarah Crawford (she/her) is the Founder/CEO of Anchor Wellness Center

What is the most important thing you do for your wellness?

I prioritize joy. Doing something every day that makes me feel good and helps relieve stress. For me, its spending quality time with my kids and husband as they frequently make me laugh and allow me to be silly.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to other women?

Prioritize yourself. It's so easy to get into the cycle of self-sacrifice when working, raising children and being a partner to another person. I see this is in my practice as well as in my own life. When we prioritize ourselves and let go of the shame our potential is unlimited.

What is one quote or mantra you live by?

I have all that I need.

Brag on yourself – what is something you are REALLY proud of?

I am really proud of having a thriving business through the pandemic and building a place where others want to work.

Learn more about Anchor Wellness Center on the WISe Marketplace here. And follow @anchorwellnesscincy for daily mental wellness tips.

Join us on Instagram at @wise_wellness_guild. This month we lean into our ability to ask for help and provide coaching and resources in all eight pillars of wellness.

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