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The Well 52: Sarah Tsai, Owner, Sarah Tsai Consulting

The Well 52: Sarah Tsai, Owner, Sarah Tsai Consulting

Welcome to The Well 52, a platform we are hosting at WISe Wellness Guild that celebrates women leading in the whole-self wellness industry and supporting other women along the way.
Meet our nominee of The Well 52: Sarah Tsai
Professional headshot of Sarah Tsai.
Sarah Tsai, Owner, Sarah Tsai Consulting


Do you have a business problem or goal that you need help with?

What is the most important thing you do for your wellness?
Schedule time to reflect and relax. Making sure that there’s white space on my calendar for creativity and planning

What is one piece of advice you'd give to other women?
Slow down and enjoy every moment. You are important. Stay hydrated.

You are important. Stay hydrated.

What is one quote or mantra you live by?
Fortune favors the prepared.

Brag on yourself – what is something you are REALLY proud of?
Running and owning my own business. Having 100% control over my schedule - when/how I work; who I work with/for.

 👉 Learn more about Sarah Tsai Consulting here, or connect with Sarah at

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Previous article March Theme: Spring Into Action


Emily - August 12, 2022

“You are important. Stay hydrated.” Two of the best pieces of truth serum there is. Thank you for this Sarah!

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