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Improving Our Empathy for Others

Improving Our Empathy for Others

Overhead image looking down on the faces of three diverse women, laying on ground outside, looking at camera with sunglasses on.It’s not a coincidence our WISe theme this month is Improving Our Empathy for Others. June is also national pride month, a time where millions of people come together in support of the LGBTQAI+ community. The celebrations come easy if you're practicing empathy. 

What is empathy? Brene Brown, American research professor, lecturer, author, and podcast host says, “empathy is feeling with people.” She also explains empathy here in under three minutes. Give it a watch if you’ve got the time. 

Jackie Marschall, Assistant Public Information Officer for Hoxworth Blood Center and WISe Wellness Guild member, shared How To Be A Better LGBTQAI+ Ally back in June 2020, and the information is still relevant today.  

Jackie says, “as we become a more informed society, we should simultaneously become a more inclusive society. If we’re truly taking what we are learning and putting it into better practice.” We agree.

Jackie also covers:

  • The importance of pronouns
  • Deadnaming
  • Holding ourselves accountable to stay informed

Closeup shot of young individual outside, holding up pride flag in the wind.

And beyond pride month, empathy is a skill that can be learned and utilized in all areas of our life. WISe Wellness Guild coach Lauris Woolford can help you specifically develop this skill as well as inspiring teamwork.

If you’ve got a little too much empathy and you’re in need of emotion regulation help, say hello to a free consultation with Galia Collaborative, Poppy’s Therapeutic Corner, Hello Mental Health, or Inner Source Living.

If you’re trying to beat the summer heat, check out these past WISe Wellness Guild events that explore empathy in practice.

Sign up for our newsletter for weekly wellness you can trust.

Join us on Instagram at @wise_wellness_guild. This month we discuss ways we can improve our empathy and allyship for others. 

Previous article March Theme: Spring Into Action

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