March Theme: Spring Into Action

If you can believe it, it’s already March. That means we are nearing the end of the doldrums of winter.  We are ready to tackle and hold ourselves accountable for all of our New Years goals right? Many of us as we began the New Year set goals for 2024- whether they were for our fitness, our diet, our activities, our work/life balance, or relationships.  So it’s now March… have you started on these goals? 

I know I haven’t. I could come up with a thousand excuses but to summarize I just didn’t prioritize myself these first months of the year. But now, it’s time! Our theme this month is Spring into Action! We want you to join us in taking action on all of the things we said we would do in 2024. Together let’s release things that no longer serve our goals and clear the way to invite better habits into our lives.

To inspire you on how you can Spring into Action, we will offer you ways to clear up your mental and physical clutter by sharing with you tips from Lisa Woodruff at Organize 365.  We have exciting design tips from Jackie Barnes Designs. We have exciting product suggestions to attain your beauty goals and inspiring blogs about body acceptance and prioritizing your mental health.

We are thrilled to be on this journey with you and hope that we can inspire you take those first steps towards your goals for 2024. 


Photo by Nina Uhlikova 


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