Ginny Trosper Health & Life Coach
As a certified Health and Life Coach, Ginny Trosper helps you discover your full potential, find direction, set, and accomplish your goals. We are all born with unique talents, desires, and motivations. She coaches to bring your unique, amazing qualities in alignment with your goals and bring a strong sense of purpose and direction to your everyday life.
Health, wellness and living to your fullest potential have always been her passion. She graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1993 as a Registered Dental Hygienist, and has over 20 years’ experience. After retiring due to a spinal fusion, she decided to go back to school to become a Certified Health and Life Coach.
Our journey while on this earth can take us on a lot of twists and unexpected turns. How we maneuver through this life is what matters. She has a deep understanding of tragedy and trauma as she found myself a widow at the age of 36 with two young daughters. We all have a story, are you living with the one you are meant to live? She works with the belief that we create our reality with the thoughts we choose to give power to, the language we use and the actions we take on a daily basis.
Life circumstances don’t need to define you! She is passionate about helping women and men become the best version of themselves through my 90 day Total Transformation Program.