Jordan Bonomo, MD: Crossfit Cincinnati

Jordan came to CrossFit nearly 12 years ago after an athletic career playing rugby in college, competing in MMA, and then endurance sports including Ironman distance triathlons and ultra-running. An Emergency and Critical Care Physician and former tactical physician on the Cincinnati Police SWAT Team, Jordan focuses his coaching on helping athletes work through mobility limitations and understand the biomechanics of movement, translating CrossFit’s functional exercises into sustainable movement patterns applicable to real life. His love of anatomy and geeky obsession with mobility leads to a focus on form and stability to enhance safety under load. A physics dork as well, he loves to imagine the formulae at work as a barbell floats along a virtuous path from floor to overhead. An aficionado of the split snatch, Jordan works to provide safe movements for athletes of all abilities and movement capacities. Married to another member of the box and part time coach (Andrea) Jordan has years of experience being beaten in WODs by a spouse and offers one on one coaching to help athletes work through those complex emotion.

CrossFit Cincinnati’s wantsto help you, “Change Your Life With Us.”After spending time in our facility and with our team we want our members to walk out of our doors after a workout and feel like they are a better version of themselves.

It isn’t the scientific sum of calories, workouts, and weight that keeps our members returning. It is not the cutting-edge equipment and technology. It is the people that count. Our team cares about guiding and encouraging each and every member to obtain the goals they seek for themselves. Our members’ goals are specific and if we can assist in that journey to realizing their aspirations then we have truly helped them change their life.

Mission: To create a holistic and inclusive environment dedicated to health and wellness, enabling our member-athletes to improve their days, enrich their lives, have fun, build relationships, and better themselves as part of an inspired community. 

Vision: Through truly virtuous coaching, CrossFit Cincinnati meets athletes where they are by providing safe, effective fitness programming and education.  By focusing on general physical preparedness, CFC coaches use their expertise to compassionately deliver sustainable, functional fitness training at the highest standard possible.



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