Earth & Ether

Beth Porter is a healing catalyst, spiritual coach, and life guide. Since 2018, she has dedicated her life to healing and integration, working with individuals worldwide to help them reclaim their personal authority.

Emotional Polarity Technique™ uses the science of forgiveness to resolve adversity in life that causes sickness, chronic pain and difficult relationships. The immediate result is profound, empowering relief. The long-term result is permanent positive behavior changes, a healthier life and a better world.

Difficult things happen in life that can turn into pain and suffering, but it doesn’t have to. EPT™ has over 25 years of clinical success ending pain and suffering in both children and adults. As an EPT™ practitioner, Beth leads you in transmuting your wounding (traumas, unprocessed emotions, pain, limiting beliefs, past life imprinting, etc.) so that you can show up in this world fully as you.


Bee Well Health and Wellness


Hey Emma