Career + Mental Health

Mental Health Emily Betz Mental Health Emily Betz

My Greatest Teacher, Adoption

want to share my journey and healing through adoption in hopes that it serves as inspiration for others who share this experience.
Adoption has been my greatest teacher. I was adopted at five days old. When I was born, my birth mother didn’t want to see or touch me. I imagine myself placed in a bassinet, barely touched by the busy nursing staff, who, in the 70s, didn’t yet understand the critical importance of physical touch for child development—a concept now recognized through attachment theory.

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Career + Mental Health Emily Betz Career + Mental Health Emily Betz

The Well 52: Tammy Waldron

I founded Towanda Wellbeing in 2021 with a desire to guide people to find their inner peace + empowering people to live into their best selves. My ThetaHealing® journey began in 2014; today I am an Advanced ThetaHealing® Teacher and Practitioner coupled with a lifetime of exploring spiritual, self-help, and leadership texts that have facilitated her knowledge and growth along the way.

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