Career + Mental Health

Career + Mental Health Emily Betz Career + Mental Health Emily Betz

Let's Unpack the Three Subtle Money Beliefs That Are Holding You Back

At this very moment, your behavior is subtly, yet powerfully, being driven by beliefs you don't even know you hold. Beneath our conscious thoughts, a staggering amount of processing takes place in our subconscious minds. While the conscious brain can only process around 40 bits of information per second, its subconscious counterpart churns through an astonishing 11 million bits! 

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Career + Mental Health Emily Betz Career + Mental Health Emily Betz

Persevering The Dip

When life doesn’t quite make sense, where do you turn for inspiration? For some it’s scripture, for others it’s literature or motivational quotes. For me, it’s music. There isn’t anything quite as satisfying to me as hearing a lyric that completely nails how I’m feeling in a moment or shifts my perspective to help me see things more clearly.

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Career + Mental Health Emily Betz Career + Mental Health Emily Betz

Know Your Money $tory

WISe Wellness Guild proudly hosted Challenge for Change: Know Your Money $tory, presented by Paycor and featuring Bre Bovara, Vice President and Wealth Management Advisor at Fifth Third Private Bank. We had an unfiltered dialogue around personal finances, and offered tips and actions to working your way to a healthy financial foundation, beginning with BEHAVIOR.

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Career + Mental Health Emily Betz Career + Mental Health Emily Betz

Bringing It Home: Building a shared vision for your financial futures

In the last 30 days, can you recall a time when you weren't on the same page financially with your partner? 40% of of divorces are a result of financial incompatibility. Have you aligned your spending habits, financial goals, income dynamic/imbalance, asset dynamic/imbalance? Values are relatively permanent personal beliefs about what we regard as important or desirable and tend to reflect our upbringing and change very little throughout our lifetime without conscious effort. Conflict results when values and spending are not aligned.

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