Career + Mental Health

Career + Mental Health Emily Betz Career + Mental Health Emily Betz

Thawing the Freeze: 3 Somatic Reflections for Easing into Spring

As I have deepened in my somatic training and embodiment of the work, it now seems obvious that alongside that I would also deepen in my connection to nature. To the earth, the body we all belong to. I have learned so much by observing nature, her seasons, the constant change and the ultimate acceptance of and surrender to what is. Presence with the cycles of life has been a great teacher as I reflect on what it is to be human.

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Mental Health Emily Betz Mental Health Emily Betz

The Well 52: Meagan Connley

I'm a trauma-informed Enneagram and somatic therapy practitioner + mindset and embodiment guide based in the greater Cincinnati area who supports individuals on the path of remembering their wholeness. In being present with you, I leverage my professional background, multiple certifications, and lived experience of healing and growth work to allow for discovering a deeper truth together. In addition to my MBA and 12 years of corporate analytics and consulting experience, I have over 170 hours of Enneagram training through IEA accredited programs, and am also certified in Somatic Trauma Therapy, Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead curriculum, PSYCH-K®, Yin Yoga, Breathwork, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

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