Career + Mental Health
Thawing the Freeze: 3 Somatic Reflections for Easing into Spring
As I have deepened in my somatic training and embodiment of the work, it now seems obvious that alongside that I would also deepen in my connection to nature. To the earth, the body we all belong to. I have learned so much by observing nature, her seasons, the constant change and the ultimate acceptance of and surrender to what is. Presence with the cycles of life has been a great teacher as I reflect on what it is to be human.
Loving Our Fears: Support for our Nervous System and Body
At the end of 2021, my year of Flow, the universe brought me my next word of the year for 2022: Love. I kept seeing and hearing the word 'love' everywhere. At first, I resisted the word. I thought love meant something cute, romantic, sort of fluffy or fantastical. Through 2022 and beyond, I have been learning the depths of what love truly is.