Career + Mental Health

Mental Health Emily Betz Mental Health Emily Betz

Living a Limitless Life Within Our Physical Boundaries

The Enneagram found me at the time in my life when I needed it most. I was living with eating disorders, anxiety, and depression, along with severe gut health issues and other related physical symptoms. I had recently started a new job where I felt so out of place, like my introversion was so misunderstood and was impacting my working relationships and how my work was perceived. And my husband and I had just lived through a 10 month home renovation. I needed help.

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Career + Mental Health Emily Betz Career + Mental Health Emily Betz

Healthy Boundaries

This sentiment shows up quite frequently in therapy sessions, specifically with women. For many of us, the desire to be liked by others is so strong that we derive self-worth & value from pleasing others, and we prioritize this over our own needs & mental health.

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