Career + Mental Health

Career + Mental Health Emily Betz Career + Mental Health Emily Betz

The Well 52: Amy Scalia

Amy: Running and training for races. I’ve always loved running, but once I became a mom, it became my saving grace in terms of wellness. And not just running to run. I found that when I signed up for races, paid the registration fee and had skin in the game, I all the sudden had a plan, couldn’t make excuses for skipping out on workouts and made myself a priority. Yes, running/training helps to keep my body more fit, but more than that, I love that it puts non-negotiable “me time” on my calendar, I put down work and all the devices and disconnect from the world for a bit, and I have time to just think and soak in the world around me for these extended amounts of time — which is pretty rare for a working mom of three! :)

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