Career + Mental Health
Exploring Adaptogens: Nature's Balancing Act
In today’s world, stress and fatigue often dominate our daily lives, and the quest for natural remedies that can help combat these symptoms, has gained significant attention. Among these solutions, adaptogens have emerged as offering potential benefits for our overall well-being. So, let's delve into the world of adaptogens to uncover what they are, how they work, and their potential impact on our health.
Ketamine: A Safer, Faster Alternative to Oral Antidepressants
I'm Dr. Teresa Anderson, owner/operator/and practicing psychiatrist of The Anderson Clinic in Cincinnati, Ohio, and today we’re discussing a hot-topic on the airwaves: ketamine infusions for treatment-resistant depression and post-traumatic stress, or PTSD.
Solutions to Your Biggest Outdoor Dilemmas – A Wholistic Approach
WISe Wellness Guild is fortunate to collaborate with Alliance Integrative Medicine (AIM), a functional medicine clinic located in Cincinnati, OH, that helps patients improve their overall wellness and health. And even more fortunate for us, they have three guide posts for us to follow as we connect ourselves to nature this spring and summer.
Shinrin-Yoku: Self-Restoration Through Forest Therapy
During the pandemic when schools, stores and offices were closed down, the outdoors became my refuge. The park across the street from where I live became my second home where I walked the dog, ate lunch, worked on my laptop and called friends and family.