A Leadership Style: Lucrecer Braxton

By Stevi Carr

Our Leadership Style feature this month is none other than Lucrecer Braxton, who just had a personal conversation with Oprah Winfrey. Yes, you read that correctly. Actually, there was a broadcast of their conversation featured on the Oprah Daily "The Life You Want" class on service. But after learning about Lucrecer’s dynamic and mindful background, a conversation with Oprah really isn’t all that surprising. 

Lucrecer is an award-winning photographer and digital marketing and content strategist. In both 2018 and 2019, she was named one of AdWeek’s Brand Stars of Cincinnati. In her full time role as Senior Director of Social Media Operations at MomsRising.org, she oversees the search, onboarding, and approval of content created by influencers to the MomsRising social platforms. In her free time, she serves on the Hamilton County Commission on Women and Girls Pay Equity Committee and then beyond that, brings together 25K plant lovers on her SoulSista Plants Instagram daily.

Lucrecer is driven by the belief that her work extends far beyond herself, and is consistently recognized as a champion for community-building and the advancement of Black women in digital media.

“I have worked in a variety of positions in corporate, non-profit and startup sectors. I am most proud of staying true to my values and treating people well. I take seriously being a servant leader in my current position and lifting up the members of my team so that we are all thriving,” Lucrecer says. “I am also proud of being an active member of the community and sitting on the Hamilton County Commission on Women and Girls Pay Equity Committee to bring about change in the county around closing the pay gap for women and girls.”

Regarding her plant life, Lucrecer’s love of vegetation started at a young age. For as long as she can remember, she’s been both surrounded and comforted by greenery and the atmosphere they provide. To her, plants are a mindfulness practice. She says, “I find they bring a sense of peace to my own home, and that has helped me to maintain and practice mindfulness and staying present.”

On her wellness journey, Lucrecer has discovered she excels in the social, spiritual and mental/emotional facets. She believes in loving oneself first, before extending the love elsewhere. 

“We have a lot of hurt people hurting people. I choose to not do harm just because someone did me wrong,” Lucecer says. “I make a point of grounding myself with daily meditation and journaling. I also love creating and listening to playlists filled with songs that remind me of who I am and who I am evolving into.”

But Lurcercer admits putting herself first doesn’t always come naturally, and she would like to re-start prioritizing her health first this year. She plans on accomplishing this with a consistent fitness routine she previously held a year ago. 

And most importantly, when asked what wellness products she’d take with her on a deserted island, in true Lucrecer style, she says, “All things Fenty Beauty. If I have to be on a deserted island, I am going to be FIERCE!”

Follow Soul Sista Plants on Instagram here- https://www.instagram.com/soulsistaplants/

“A Leadership Style” is a column authored by WISe Wellness Guild founder Stevi Gable Carr and powered by Crunchmaster Crackers aimed at celebrating female leaders who have advanced in their careers because they have integrated work and life through whole-self wellness.



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