Join Meagan Connley of Presence of Love to explore your relationship with anger and how to work with its power and wisdom through your body.
"Anger has a bad rap, but it is actually one of the most hopeful and forward thinking of all our emotions." —Soraya Chemaly, Rage Becomes Her
Do you feel stuck when it comes to anger? Unsure of how to process it, feeling overwhelmed by it, wanting to avoid or deny it? Or maybe you have a pattern of turning toward anger as a way of avoiding other feelings like grief or fear. For those of us socialized as women, especially, our relationship with anger can get distorted. In this 3-week series, we will holistically explore anger through the lens of somatics - through our bodies, thoughts, patterns, emotion processing, nervous system, and spirit.
Week 1: Identity, Nervous System, and Teachings of Anger
Week 2: Easing into the Felt Sense of Anger
Week 3: Expanding the Expression of Anger
Through a trauma-informed approach, we will move slowly and supportively to encourage embodied healing and transformation in your relationship with anger. This series will be facilitated by Meagan Connley, Trauma-Informed Integrative Somatic Practitioner, Enneagram Facilitator, Yin Yoga Teacher, and Founder of Presence With Love.
You can learn more about her and her work at Open to all women and nonbinary folks. This workshop registration fee operates on a sliding scale. Choose $75 (Reduced), $105 (Standard), or $135 (Supporter) based on your budget.