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Bringing It Home: Building a shared vision for your financial futures

Bringing It Home: Building a shared vision for your financial futures

Bringing It Home: Building a shared vision for your financial futures powered by Paycor, presented by Brilliant Advice. 

In the last 30 days, can you recall a time when you weren't on the same page financially with your partner? 40% of of divorces are a result of financial incompatibility. Have you aligned your spending habits, financial goals, income dynamic/imbalance, asset dynamic/imbalance? Values are relatively permanent personal beliefs about what we regard as important or desirable and tend to reflect our upbringing and change very little throughout our lifetime without conscious effort. Conflict results when values and spending are not aligned.

o   STEP #1 – Identify your top 10 values from list of 80

o   STEP #2 – Agree on 5 values from each of your lists (shared values). Actions reflect your values

o   STEP #3 – Take your 5 shared values and agree on an action for each value

o   STEP #4 – Assign a dollar value to each action

o   STEP #5 – After funding your shared values, now you each fund your own values. Make it a priority - put it on the calendar – monthly


o   Brilliant Advice – 

o   Tim Ferriss Show – Remit Sethi Episode #524

o   The Gottman Institute –

o   Esther Perel –   


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