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4 Ways to Boost Your Brain Health

4 Ways to Boost Your Brain Health

It's Black History Month, Heart Awareness Month and WISe Wellness Guild’s month to talk about all things brain health & longevity. While it seems most are regularly exercising their bodies to stay healthy on the inside and out, more people need to tap into brain exercises and activities for a longer life and a sharper mind. 

Here are 4 things we learned from our WISe partners and the internet about boosting our brain health.

  1. Working on my neuroplasticity 
    1. Neuroplasticity (also called brain plasticity) is the ability of a brain to change and adapt. The more neuroplasticity you have, the better. 
    2. According to Activate Brain & Body, physical activity is the most documented and powerful driver of positive neuroplasticity. 
    3. “Individuals who lead mentally stimulating lives, through education, occupation and leisure activities, have reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s.” (Stern)
  2. Drink those greens
    1. According to Harvard University, the best brain-boosting foods protect your heart and blood vessels, which are leafy greens such as kale, spinach, collards, and broccoli.
    2. Fruleef is a Cincinnati based juicery that uses local produce to create cold pressed juices. Check out their “Serious Green” juice, which contains kale, dandelion, collard green, cucumber, romaine, lime, spirulina and ginger.
  3. Read
    1. According to Insider, consistently reading strengthens connections in the brain, improves memory and concentration.
    2. Check out our WISe authors, like Unwavering Perseverance by Mary Wineberg, A Life Postpartum: My Journey Through Postpartum Depression by Lisa Hardwick, or Looking Glass by Vernon Jackson to get your read on!
  4. Live like You’re in a Blue Zone
    1. According to, the blue zones region of Ikaria, Greece, dementia among people over 85 is rare — over 75 percent less common than it is in the United States.
    2. Research shows this in part has to do with a Mediterranean diet, which is high in vegetables, beans, fruit, and nuts, and cultural importance on rest, relaxation, belonging, and a few other major factors called “The Power 9.”


Check out WISe's Spiritual, Mental & Emotional and Physical Collections for resources, expert tips and services to help boost brain health in your life. 

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Photo by Ekaterina Bolovtsova on Pexels

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