Beauty + Lifestyle

Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz

Gentle Movement: Tai Chi

Tai Chi, also known as Tai Chi Chuan or Taijiquan, is a captivating and ancient Chinese martial art that has transcended time to become a popular practice worldwide. With its graceful and flowing movements, Tai Chi offers a unique blend of physical exercise, meditation, and self-defense techniques. In this blog, we will delve into the history of Tai Chi and explore its fundamental practices, shedding light on its profound impact on both physical and mental well-being.

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Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz

Gentle Movement: Soft Hiking

In a world that often celebrates the adrenaline rush of extreme sports and high-intensity workouts, there's a quiet revolution taking place. It's a movement (pun intended), that encourages us to slow down, connect with nature and ourselves, and find balance. This October our Monthly theme is Gentle Movement and throughout this month we'll explore the mindful practices that incorporate gentle movement, and how they can benefit our physical and mental well-being.

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Let's Talk About Sex Baby...

September is here, and with it comes an important awareness campaign that deserves our attention and support: Sexual Health Month. In a world where discussions about sexual health are often shrouded in silence and stigma, this dedicated month serves as a vital reminder to prioritize our well-being and foster open conversations about this crucial aspect of our lives. 

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Edgework and Boundaries: Finding Balance in Life

In our fast-paced and interconnected world, the concept of boundaries has never been more important. Yet, finding the right balance between pushing our boundaries and respecting our limits can be a delicate dance. This is where the idea of "edgework" comes into play. Edgework involves intentionally pushing our personal boundaries, both physically and mentally, to explore the edges of our comfort zones. However, it's crucial to do this with mindfulness and awareness to prevent burnout or harm.

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Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz

Sleep Microhabit: The Path to Restful Nights and Energized Days

We all know the feeling of waking up after a restless night's sleep—groggy, irritable, and dreading the day ahead. Poor sleep can take a toll on our physical and mental well-being, affecting our productivity and overall quality of life. The good news is that by cultivating a better sleep microhabit, we can pave the way to restful nights and energized days. Let's explore effective strategies to develop a healthier sleep routine and improve the quality of your sleep

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Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz

Embrace the Microhabit: Nurturing Your Skin with Lotion

In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to overlook the significance of small habits that contribute to our overall well-being. Among these often-neglected microhabits, taking the time to care for our skin through regular moisturization deserves a special mention. Although it may seem insignificant, the act of applying lotion can have a profound impact on the health and appearance of our skin. Let's delve into the wonders of this simple yet powerful microhabit and explore why it's worth incorporating into our daily routines.

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Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz

Why Holding Space to be Creative is Crucial

“A creative life is an amplified life. It's a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life” - Elizabeth Gilbert

We’re almost out of those dreary winter days and into spring. Are we counting down the days to warmer weather? OF COURSE we are. We’ve been counting down since last spring if we’re being honest. Part of what we’re celebrating this March, in addition to the warmer weather, is our creativity - an important space we must hold for our mental health and well-being.

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Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz

A Weekend Wellness Getaway at Secrets Moxché Playa del Carmen

Myself and two of my closest friends had been discussing a trip to honor 2023 milestone birthdays but hadn't been able to make the commitment.  We are all high-achievers, super-moms and have all experienced a tremendous amount of "highs and lows" the past 3 years. Between marriage, birth, deaths, divorce, new jobs, new businesses, love, and loss, stress had piled on top of us until we could barely breathe- we were BURNT OUT.  We enrolled the assistance of Jillian at Magnolia Travel Group to ensure that our plans made it out of the group chat and to say that we were "wow'd" would be an understatement.  

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Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz

A Personal History of Naps

Perhaps the only season of my life where I resisted naps was when I was around four. I wanted to be awake - absorbing the world around me like a sponge! But my poor mom needed nap time (for her) like she needed oxygen. And so, she’d pile a bunch of books on my bed, place me in the middle, and tell me that if I didn’t want to sleep, I could “read quietly.” I was an early reader, and so I read quietly, but soon got through the books, and resumed playing in my room, with the door closed. 

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Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz

How do you age?

This month’s theme is aging, an inevitable part of life that can be taken with grace, excitement and wonder.Some people step into birthday’s boldly, while others avoid them all together. Where do you land on the aging gracefully scale? Here at WISe, we land somewhere in the middle. Let us explain.

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Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz

How Spenders And Savers Can Make Relationships Work

You know the feeling. You have a great idea about what to do with your money. It makes so much sense that you figure your partner will have to agree, so you share it with them and await their inevitable delight. You stand ready to receive appreciation for how you just made your lives a little better. Instead, they look at you like you have two heads and both of them are crazy.

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Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz Beauty and Lifestyle Emily Betz

Functional and Traditional Medicine (The Best of Both Worlds)

Did you know The Christ Hospital recently acquired AIM for Wellbeing (formerly Alliance Integrative Medicine)? This means we can more easily combine holistic healthcare with traditional medicine. AIM for Wellbeing offers therapies like medical massage, acupuncture, chiropractic care and recently launched their own private label supplement line. Now working hand-in-hand with The Christ Hospital, patients have easier access to alternative types of medicine and resources, and most importantly, they have more autonomy when it comes to choosing their healthcare needs. 

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