Beauty + Lifestyle
5 Surprising Interior Design Trends You’ll See in 2024
In the ever-evolving world of interior design, staying ahead of the curve is essential for creating spaces that not only meet your aesthetic expectations but are also reflective of the era of design we’re heading in.
As we step into 2024, we’re excited to share some trending design predictions that will shape the way our studio approaches design this year. From a shift in popular color palettes to a renewed appreciation for craftsmanship, here’s a glimpse into the trends that will define interior spaces in the Queen City and beyond.
The Gentle Power of Yin Yoga: A Journey to Deep Relaxation
In a world filled with fast-paced lives and constant movement, the practice of Yin Yoga stands out as a sanctuary of stillness and tranquility. This slow-paced, introspective form of yoga invites you to explore the depths of your body and mind, offering profound relaxation and rejuvenation.
What is Yin Yoga? Yin Yoga is a unique style of yoga that primarily targets the connective tissues in the body, such as ligaments, tendons, and fascia. Unlike its more dynamic counterpart, Yang Yoga, which focuses on building strength and flexibility, Yin Yoga is all about stillness, patience, and relaxation. Yin Yoga was founded in the late 1970s by martial arts expert and Taoist yoga teacher Paulie Zink, and later popularized by Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers.
Gentle Movement: Tai Chi
Tai Chi, also known as Tai Chi Chuan or Taijiquan, is a captivating and ancient Chinese martial art that has transcended time to become a popular practice worldwide. With its graceful and flowing movements, Tai Chi offers a unique blend of physical exercise, meditation, and self-defense techniques. In this blog, we will delve into the history of Tai Chi and explore its fundamental practices, shedding light on its profound impact on both physical and mental well-being.
Gentle Movement: Soft Hiking
In a world that often celebrates the adrenaline rush of extreme sports and high-intensity workouts, there's a quiet revolution taking place. It's a movement (pun intended), that encourages us to slow down, connect with nature and ourselves, and find balance. This October our Monthly theme is Gentle Movement and throughout this month we'll explore the mindful practices that incorporate gentle movement, and how they can benefit our physical and mental well-being.
Sleep Microhabit: The Path to Restful Nights and Energized Days
We all know the feeling of waking up after a restless night's sleep—groggy, irritable, and dreading the day ahead. Poor sleep can take a toll on our physical and mental well-being, affecting our productivity and overall quality of life. The good news is that by cultivating a better sleep microhabit, we can pave the way to restful nights and energized days. Let's explore effective strategies to develop a healthier sleep routine and improve the quality of your sleep