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October Is For Accepting

October Is For Accepting

Photo by Rosie Ecker Paulik

The leaves are falling here in Ohio, and it is such a powerful reminder that good can come when we shed what’s not needed anymore.

For the month of October we’re focusing on the theme acceptance - what it means to accept what is in your control versus what you can’t change. It’s spooky season, and for some of us, this might be the spookiest act of all. Letting go? Let’s get into it. 

Maggie Wilhem, LPCC and Empowerment Coach says, “Instead of putting energy into the things that are outside my power and control, I am working to embrace that there are a lot of things in life that are out of my control, and therefore require letting go. Acceptance.”

Here some things you can’t control (in case you need a reminder):

  • The weather
  • Traffic
  • Other people’s opinions of you
  • Other people’s happiness
  • The past

For Stevi Carr, Founder + CEO of Wise Wellness Guild and Fellow at the Institute of Coaching, McLean/ Harvard Medical School, problem solving is her act of letting go. She says, “We can't control what happens to us, but we can control what we do in the situation. By observing life's journey, it is through acceptance of flow and forward momentum that we can stay in, and accelerate, flow.  It doesn't mean ignoring life's events, it simply means that we don't cling to what happens next.”

Are you scared of change? There’s actually a name for that. It’s called metathesiophobia. Fear of change can keep people from moving out of a toxic workplace, or toxic relationship, because they are terrified of the unknown. 

Here are some steps to healthily integrate change into our lives, and embrace the mysterious future.   

  • Meditate

Dr. Sanjay Shewakramani, ER Doctor, Medical Director and owner of Revive Strength and Wellness says, "The more you can become aware of how you are required to show up in all of your 'roles' in life, from work, home and relationships, you can begin to consider how are you showing up for yourself."

  • Journal

For Alanna Martella, News Personality, Speaker, Podcast Host, Yoga Instructor, journaling is one of the most important acts she does for her wellness. (Need help getting started? Begin here)

  • Set a goal

When we embrace an attitude of ‘go getter,’ our fears fall to the wayside. Stevi Carr says, “Focusing on one goal can allow for you to make the life changes you need to achieve it. Select one goal to work towards and make those changes realistic.

Join us on Instagram at @wise_wellness_guild for all things acceptance.

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Previous article March Theme: Spring Into Action


Kim Beach - October 3, 2022

Thanks for a great reminder Rosie! Hope you are doing well.

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